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更新时间:2022-08-01 19:24:00 作者:云寺手游



大多数读者可能都熟悉俄罗斯方块——一款由俄罗斯软件工程师 Alexey Pajitnov 于 1984 年创建的流行且令人上瘾的视频游戏。



游戏由一个 10 个单元格宽和 20 个单元格高的棋盘组成,如下所示。

俄 罗 斯 方 块 板 是 一 个 10 ∗ 20 的 单 元 格 。 俄罗斯方块板是一个 10 * 20 的单元格。

3.俄罗斯方块 (又名 Tetrominoes)

在俄罗斯方块中,方块以 4 个块为单位从棋盘顶部垂直落下。这些块被称为 Tetrominoes,但在这篇文章中,我们将它们简单地称为“俄罗斯方块块”。



俄 罗 斯 方 块 俄罗斯方块



1.按 A 将块向左移动2.D 向右移动块3.J 向左旋转块4.L 向右旋转块5.I持有当前的块以备将来使用6.S 将块向下移动 1 个单元格。这也称为“软下降”。7.W 将块垂直下降到尽可能低的单元格。它也被称为“硬下降”。5.游戏规则


如果一个动作清除了一行,您将获得 40 分。如果一次清除两行,您将获得 100 分,如果清除三行,您将获得 300 分。

俄罗斯方块清除行的例子。在左侧,由于最右侧列上的蓝色块,我们显示四行完全填满。此状态更改为右侧显示的状态,为用户提供俄罗斯方块或 1200 分。

单次清除四行可获得 1200 分!这被称为俄罗斯方块,是您一次所能获得的最高分。


6.使用 OpenCV 和 numpy 创建俄罗斯方块

让我们看看如何使用 OpenCV 的绘图函数和键盘处理程序以及 numpy 来创建俄罗斯方块游戏。


import cv2 import numpy as np from random import choice

现在,我们将制作棋盘,初始化一些其他变量,并将参数 SPEED 定义为俄罗斯方块下落的速度。

SPEED = 1 # 控制俄罗斯方块的速度 # 制作棋盘 board = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) # 初始化一些变量 quit = False place = False drop = False switch = False held_piece = "" flag = 0 score = 0


7.七种俄罗斯方块# 所有的俄罗斯方块 next_piece = choice(["O", "I", "S", "Z", "L", "J", "T"])





def get_info(piece): if piece == "I": coords = np.array([[0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6]]) color = [255, 155, 15] elif piece == "T": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 4]]) color = [138, 41, 175] elif piece == "L": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 5]]) color = [2, 91, 227] elif piece == "J": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 3]]) color = [198, 65, 33] elif piece == "S": coords = np.array([[1, 5], [1, 4], [0, 3], [0, 4]]) color = [55, 15, 215] elif piece == "Z": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [0, 4], [0, 5]]) color = [1, 177, 89] else: coords = np.array([[0, 4], [0, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5]]) color = [2, 159, 227] return coords, color



def display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED): # 生成显示 border = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([20, 1, 3])) border_ = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([1, 34, 3])) dummy = board.copy() dummy[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] = color right = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) right[next_info[0][:,0] + 2, next_info[0][:,1]] = next_info[1] left = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) left[held_info[0][:,0] + 2, held_info[0][:,1]] = held_info[1] dummy = np.concatenate((border, left, border, dummy, border, right, border), 1) dummy = np.concatenate((border_, dummy, border_), 0) dummy = dummy.repeat(20, 0).repeat(20, 1) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, str(score), (520, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, [0, 0, 255], 2) # 给玩家的说明 dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "A - move left", (45, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "D - move right", (45, 225), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "S - move down", (45, 250), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "W - hard drop", (45, 275), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "J - rotate left", (45, 300), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "L - rotate right", (45, 325), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "I - hold", (45, 350), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) cv2.imshow("Tetris", dummy) key = cv2.waitKey(int(1000/SPEED)) return key


这是代码的主要部分。我们有一个 while 循环,每次迭代时我们都会在游戏中放置一个新的部分。


在下面的代码中,我们首先检查用户是否想使用 switch 变量将当前块与保留块交换。

if __name__ == "__main__": while not quit: # 检查用户是否想要交换当前块与保留块 if switch: # 交换当前块与保留块 held_piece, current_piece = current_piece, held_piece switch = False

如果 switch 变量设置为 false,我们将next_piece 分配给current_piece 并随机选择一个新的 next_piece。

else: # 生成下一块并更新当前一块 current_piece = next_piece next_piece = choice(["I", "T", "L", "J", "Z", "S", "O"]) if flag > 0: flag -= 1

接下来,我们确定current_piece、next_piece 和held_piece 的颜色和位置。

# 确定当前、下一个和保留的块的颜色和位置 if held_piece == "": held_info = np.array([[0, 0]]), [0, 0, 0] else: held_info = get_info(held_piece) next_info = get_info(next_piece) coords, color = get_info(current_piece) if current_piece == "I": top_left = [-2, 3]

这个 if 语句只是检查游戏是否需要终止(即俄罗斯方块堆得太高),我们通过检查下一块的生成位置是否与另一块重叠来做到这一点。

if not np.all(board[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] == 0): break

接下来,我们在主循环中添加另一个 while 循环。这个新循环的每次迭代对应于块向下移动一格。

首先,我们使用 display() 函数显示棋盘并接收键盘输入。


while True: # 显示棋盘并按下按键 key = display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED) # 创建位置的副本 dummy = coords.copy()

上面的 key 变量存储按下键盘输入的 ASCII 代码。根据按下的键,我们采取不同的行动。

a 和 d 键控制块的左右移动。

if key == ord("a"): # 如果俄罗斯方块不靠左墙,则向左移动块 if np.min(coords[:,1]) > 0: coords[:,1] -= 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[1] -= 1 elif key == ord("d"): # 如果俄罗斯方块不靠右墙,则向右移动块 if np.max(coords[:,1]) < 9: coords[:,1] += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[1] += 1

键 j 和 l 用于旋转块。





elif key == ord("j") or key == ord("l"): # 旋转 # arr 是旋转的附近点的数组,pov 是 arr 内块的索引 if current_piece != "I" and current_piece != "O": if coords[1,1] > 0 and coords[1,1] < 9: arr = coords[1] - 1 + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(3)] for x in range(3)]) pov = coords - coords[1] + 1 elif current_piece == "I": # 线条块有一个 4x4 的阵列,所以它需要单独的代码 arr = top_left + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(4)] for x in range(4)]) pov = np.array([np.where(np.logical_and(arr[:,:,0] == pos[0], arr[:,:,1] == pos[1])) for pos in coords]) pov = np.array([k[0] for k in np.swapaxes(pov, 1, 2)]) # 旋转阵列并将块重新定位到它现在的位置 if current_piece != "O": if key == ord("j"): arr = np.rot90(arr, -1) else: arr = np.rot90(arr) coords = arr[pov[:,0], pov[:,1]]

最后,我们将处理 w、i、DELETE 和 ESC 键。

按 w 实现硬下降。按 i 保留块。

DELETE 和 ESC 键结束程序。

elif key == ord("w"): # 硬下降设置为真 drop = True elif key == ord("i"): # 退出循环并告诉程序交换当前块与保留块 if flag == 0: if held_piece == "": held_piece = current_piece else: switch = True flag = 2 break elif key == 8 or key == 27: quit = True break


# 检查块是否与其他块重叠或是否在棋盘外,如果是,则将位置更改为发生任何事情之前的位置 if np.max(coords[:,0]) < 20 and np.min(coords[:,0]) >= 0: if not (current_piece == "I" and (np.max(coords[:,1]) >= 10 or np.min(coords[:,1]) < 0)): if not np.all(board[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] == 0): coords = dummy.copy() else: coords = dummy.copy() else: coords = dummy.copy()

最后,我们对“硬下降”进行编码。我们使用 while 循环来检查俄罗斯方块是否可以向下移动一步,如果它与现有俄罗斯方块碰撞或到达棋盘底部,则停止向下移动。

if drop: # 检查俄罗斯方块是否可以向下移动一步,如果它与现有俄罗斯方块碰撞或到达棋盘底部,则停止向下移动。 while not place: if np.max(coords[:,0]) != 19: # 检查块与现有俄罗斯方块是否碰撞 for pos in coords: if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]): place = True break else: # 如果俄罗斯方块的位置到达棋盘底部,则放置它 place = True if place: break # 继续下降并检查何时需要放置块 coords[:,0] += 1 score += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[0] += 1 drop = False



else: # 检查是否需要放置块 if np.max(coords[:,0]) != 19: for pos in coords: if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]): place = True break else: place = True if place: # 将块放在棋盘上的位置 for pos in coords: board[tuple(pos)] = color # 将place 重置为 False place = False break # 向下移动 1 coords[:,0] += 1 if key == ord("s"): score += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[0] += 1

最后,对于外部 while 循环的每次迭代(也就是每次放置一块时),我们检查是否对任何行进行了评分并更新了点数。

# 清除行并计算已清除的行数并更新分数 lines = 0 for line in range(20): if np.all([np.any(pos != 0) for pos in board[line]]): lines += 1 board[1:line+1] = board[:line] if lines == 1: score += 40 elif lines == 2: score += 100 elif lines == 3: score += 300 elif lines == 4: score += 1200

10.完整代码展示import cv2 import numpy as np from random import choice SPEED = 1 # 控制俄罗斯方块的速度 # 创建棋盘 board = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) # 初始化一些变量 quit = False place = False drop = False switch = False held_piece = "" flag = 0 score = 0 # 所有的俄罗斯方块 next_piece = choice(["O", "I", "S", "Z", "L", "J", "T"]) def get_info(piece): if piece == "I": coords = np.array([[0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6]]) color = [255, 155, 15] elif piece == "T": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 4]]) color = [138, 41, 175] elif piece == "L": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 5]]) color = [2, 91, 227] elif piece == "J": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 3]]) color = [198, 65, 33] elif piece == "S": coords = np.array([[1, 5], [1, 4], [0, 3], [0, 4]]) color = [55, 15, 215] elif piece == "Z": coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [0, 4], [0, 5]]) color = [1, 177, 89] else: coords = np.array([[0, 4], [0, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5]]) color = [2, 159, 227] return coords, color def display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED): # 生成显示 border = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([20, 1, 3])) border_ = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([1, 34, 3])) dummy = board.copy() dummy[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] = color right = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) right[next_info[0][:, 0] + 2, next_info[0][:, 1]] = next_info[1] left = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3])) left[held_info[0][:, 0] + 2, held_info[0][:, 1]] = held_info[1] dummy = np.concatenate((border, left, border, dummy, border, right, border), 1) dummy = np.concatenate((border_, dummy, border_), 0) dummy = dummy.repeat(20, 0).repeat(20, 1) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, str(score), (520, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, [0, 0, 255], 2) # 给玩家的说明 dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "A - move left", (45, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "D - move right", (45, 225), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "S - move down", (45, 250), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "W - hard drop", (45, 275), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "J - rotate left", (45, 300), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "L - rotate right", (45, 325), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "I - hold", (45, 350), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255]) cv2.imshow("Tetris", dummy) key = cv2.waitKey(int(1000 / SPEED)) return key if __name__ == "__main__": while not quit: # 检查用户是否想要交换保留块与当前块 if switch: # 交换保留块与当前块 held_piece, current_piece = current_piece, held_piece switch = False else: # 生成下一块并更新当前一块 current_piece = next_piece next_piece = choice(["I", "T", "L", "J", "Z", "S", "O"]) if flag > 0: flag -= 1 # 确定当前、下一个和保留块的颜色和位置 if held_piece == "": held_info = np.array([[0, 0]]), [0, 0, 0] else: held_info = get_info(held_piece) next_info = get_info(next_piece) coords, color = get_info(current_piece) if current_piece == "I": top_left = [-2, 3] if not np.all(board[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] == 0): break while True: # 显示棋盘并按下按键 key = display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED) # 创建位置的副本 dummy = coords.copy() if key == ord("a"): # 如果块不靠左墙,则向左移动块 if np.min(coords[:, 1]) > 0: coords[:, 1] -= 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[1] -= 1 elif key == ord("d"): # 如果它不靠在右墙上,则将其向右移动 if np.max(coords[:, 1]) < 9: coords[:, 1] += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[1] += 1 elif key == ord("j") or key == ord("l"): # 旋转 # arr 是旋转的附近点的数组,pov 是 arr 内块的索引 if current_piece != "I" and current_piece != "O": if coords[1, 1] > 0 and coords[1, 1] < 9: arr = coords[1] - 1 + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(3)] for x in range(3)]) pov = coords - coords[1] + 1 elif current_piece == "I": # 线条块有一个 4x4 的阵列,所以它需要单独的代码 arr = top_left + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(4)] for x in range(4)]) pov = np.array( [np.where(np.logical_and(arr[:, :, 0] == pos[0], arr[:, :, 1] == pos[1])) for pos in coords]) pov = np.array([k[0] for k in np.swapaxes(pov, 1, 2)]) # 转阵列并将块重新定位到它现在的位置 if current_piece != "O": if key == ord("j"): arr = np.rot90(arr, -1) else: arr = np.rot90(arr) coords = arr[pov[:, 0], pov[:, 1]] elif key == ord("w"): # 硬下降设置为真 drop = True elif key == ord("i"): # 退出循环并告诉程序交换保留块和当前块 if flag == 0: if held_piece == "": held_piece = current_piece else: switch = True flag = 2 break elif key == 8 or key == 27: quit = True break # 检查块是否与其他块重叠或是否在棋盘外,如果是,则将位置更改为发生任何事情之前的位置 if np.max(coords[:, 0]) < 20 and np.min(coords[:, 0]) >= 0: if not (current_piece == "I" and (np.max(coords[:, 1]) >= 10 or np.min(coords[:, 1]) < 0)): if not np.all(board[coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]] == 0): coords = dummy.copy() else: coords = dummy.copy() else: coords = dummy.copy() if drop: # 循环的每次迭代都将块向下移动 1,如果棋子放到底部或另一块上,则停止并放置它 while not place: if np.max(coords[:, 0]) != 19: # 检查块是否碰到其它块 for pos in coords: if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]): place = True break else: # 如果块的位置在棋盘底部,则放置它 place = True if place: break # 继续下降并检查何时需要放置块 coords[:, 0] += 1 score += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[0] += 1 drop = False else: # 检查是否需要放置块 if np.max(coords[:, 0]) != 19: for pos in coords: if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]): place = True break else: place = True if place: # 将块放在棋盘上的位置 for pos in coords: board[tuple(pos)] = color # 将place重置为 False place = False break # 向下移动 1 coords[:, 0] += 1 if key == ord("s"): score += 1 if current_piece == "I": top_left[0] += 1 # 清除行并计算已清除的行数并更新分数 lines = 0 for line in range(20): if np.all([np.any(pos != 0) for pos in board[line]]): lines += 1 board[1:line + 1] = board[:line] if lines == 1: score += 40 elif lines == 2: score += 100 elif lines == 3: score += 300 elif lines == 4: score += 1200