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更新时间:2022-08-04 15:38:57 作者:云寺手游








如果你的童年也曾被魔性的 灯~灯灯~灯~灯灯~灯洗脑那就接着来怀旧一番吧~









pip install -i https://img.fayunsi.com.cn/img/2022/08/04/2i4135bk3fb +模块名。



2.1 运行程序:mario_level_1.py。

#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = '超级玛丽-源码基地:#959755565#' """ This is an attempt to recreate the first level of Super Mario Bros for the NES. """ import sys import pygame as pg from data.main import main import cProfile if __name__=='__main__': main() pg.quit() sys.exit()

2.2 配置音乐文字等setup.py。

__author__ = 'Python源码基地:#959755565#人' """ This module initializes the display and creates dictionaries of resources. """ import os import pygame as pg from . import tools from .import constants as c ORIGINAL_CAPTION = c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pg.init() pg.event.set_allowed([pg.KEYDOWN, pg.KEYUP, pg.QUIT]) pg.display.set_caption(c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION) SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(c.SCREEN_SIZE) SCREEN_RECT = SCREEN.get_rect() FONTS = tools.load_all_fonts(os.path.join("resources","fonts")) MUSIC = tools.load_all_music(os.path.join("resources","music")) GFX = tools.load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources","graphics")) SFX = tools.load_all_sfx(os.path.join("resources","sound"))


__author__ = 'Python源码基地:#959755565#' import pygame as pg from . import setup from . import constants as c class Sound(object): """Handles all sound for the game""" def __init__(self, overhead_info): """Initialize the class""" self.sfx_dict = setup.SFX self.music_dict = setup.MUSIC self.overhead_info = overhead_info self.game_info = overhead_info.game_info self.set_music_mixer() def set_music_mixer(self): """Sets music for level""" if self.overhead_info.state == c.LEVEL: pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict['main_theme']) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = c.NORMAL elif self.overhead_info.state == c.GAME_OVER: pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict['game_over']) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = c.GAME_OVER def update(self, game_info, mario): """Updates sound object with game info""" self.game_info = game_info self.mario = mario self.handle_state() def handle_state(self): """Handles the state of the soundn object""" if self.state == c.NORMAL: if self.mario.dead: self.play_music('death', c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.mario.invincible and self.mario.losing_invincibility == False: self.play_music('invincible', c.MARIO_INVINCIBLE) elif self.mario.state == c.FLAGPOLE: self.play_music('flagpole', c.FLAGPOLE) elif self.overhead_info.time == 100: self.play_music('out_of_time', c.TIME_WARNING) elif self.state == c.FLAGPOLE: if self.mario.state == c.WALKING_TO_CASTLE: self.play_music('stage_clear', c.STAGE_CLEAR) elif self.state == c.STAGE_CLEAR: if self.mario.in_castle: self.sfx_dict['count_down'].play() self.state = c.FAST_COUNT_DOWN elif self.state == c.FAST_COUNT_DOWN: if self.overhead_info.time == 0: self.sfx_dict['count_down'].stop() self.state = c.WORLD_CLEAR elif self.state == c. TIME_WARNING: if pg.mixer.music.get_busy() == 0: self.play_music('main_theme_sped_up', c.SPED_UP_NORMAL) elif self.mario.dead: self.play_music('death', c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.state == c.SPED_UP_NORMAL: if self.mario.dead: self.play_music('death', c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.mario.state == c.FLAGPOLE: self.play_music('flagpole', c.FLAGPOLE) elif self.state == c.MARIO_INVINCIBLE: if (self.mario.current_time - self.mario.invincible_start_timer) > 11000: self.play_music('main_theme', c.NORMAL) elif self.mario.dead: self.play_music('death', c.MARIO_DEAD) elif self.state == c.WORLD_CLEAR: pass elif self.state == c.MARIO_DEAD: pass elif self.state == c.GAME_OVER: pass def play_music(self, key, state): """Plays new music""" pg.mixer.music.load(self.music_dict[key]) pg.mixer.music.play() self.state = state def stop_music(self): """Stops playback""" pg.mixer.music.stop()


__author__ = '源码基地:#959755565#' import pygame as pg from .. import setup from .. import constants as c class Digit(pg.sprite.Sprite): """Individual digit for score""" def __init__(self, image): super(Digit, self).__init__() self.image = image self.rect = image.get_rect() class Score(object): """Scores that appear, float up, and disappear""" def __init__(self, x, y, score, flag_pole=False): self.x = x self.y = y if flag_pole: self.y_vel = -4 else: self.y_vel = -3 self.sprite_sheet = setup.GFX['item_objects'] self.create_image_dict() self.score_string = str(score) self.create_digit_list() self.flag_pole_score = flag_pole def create_image_dict(self): """Creates the dictionary for all the number 图片 needed""" self.image_dict = {} image0 = self.get_image(1, 168, 3, 8) image1 = self.get_image(5, 168, 3, 8) image2 = self.get_image(8, 168, 4, 8) image4 = self.get_image(12, 168, 4, 8) image5 = self.get_image(16, 168, 5, 8) image8 = self.get_image(20, 168, 4, 8) image9 = self.get_image(32, 168, 5, 8) image10 = self.get_image(37, 168, 6, 8) image11 = self.get_image(43, 168, 5, 8) self.image_dict['0'] = image0 self.image_dict['1'] = image1 self.image_dict['2'] = image2 self.image_dict['4'] = image4 self.image_dict['5'] = image5 self.image_dict['8'] = image8 self.image_dict['3'] = image9 self.image_dict['7'] = image10 self.image_dict['9'] = image11 def get_image(self, x, y, width, height): """Extracts image from sprite sheet""" image = pg.Surface([width, height]).convert() rect = image.get_rect() image.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, width, height)) image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) image = pg.transform.scale(image, (int(rect.width*c.BRICK_SIZE_MULTIPLIER), int(rect.height*c.BRICK_SIZE_MULTIPLIER))) return image def create_digit_list(self): """Creates the group of 图片 based on score received""" self.digit_list = [] self.digit_group = pg.sprite.Group() for digit in self.score_string: self.digit_list.append(Digit(self.image_dict[digit])) self.set_rects_for_images() def set_rects_for_images(self): """Set the rect attributes for each image in self.image_list""" for i, digit in enumerate(self.digit_list): digit.rect = digit.image.get_rect() digit.rect.x = self.x + (i * 10) digit.rect.y = self.y def update(self, score_list, level_info): """Updates score movement""" for number in self.digit_list: number.rect.y += self.y_vel if score_list: self.check_to_delete_floating_scores(score_list, level_info) if self.flag_pole_score: if self.digit_list[0].rect.y <= 120: self.y_vel = 0 def draw(self, screen): """Draws score numbers onto screen""" for digit in self.digit_list: screen.blit(digit.image, digit.rect) def check_to_delete_floating_scores(self, score_list, level_info): """Check if scores need to be deleted""" for i, score in enumerate(score_list): if int(score.score_string) == 1000: if (score.y - score.digit_list[0].rect.y) > 130: score_list.pop(i) else: if (score.y - score.digit_list[0].rect.y) > 75: score_list.pop(i)




4.0 展示动态视频一波,完美。


4.1 Part 1 游戏运行界面——

​4.2 Part 2 三条命——

4.3 Part 3 吃了蘑菇的马里奥——






你们的支持是我最大的动力!!记得三连哦~mua 欢迎大家阅读往期的文章哦~


